What is a Acetabular Dysplasia?

The resulting instability of the hip joint results in damage to the cartilage, which lines the hip joint causing significant pain, and in some instances hip osteoarthritis.

Most commonly associated with an abnormal hip formation at birth, it can present in infants or remain undetected for many years.

Symptoms of acetabular dysplasia

Discomfort levels will worsen over time and typically include pain around the hip and/or groin area. Patients also report common instances where they feel they are unstable and their hip feels like it is going to give way.

Acetabular dysplasia treatments

Adelaide Hip Centre performs a number of hip surgical treatments that will be discussed with you after a professional diagnosis. Hip preservation and/or joint replacement surgeries are most commonly performed with the aim of improving hip function, reducing pain and where practical, avoiding further damage to the hip joint itself.

Non surgical treatments

For patients who present with mild symptoms, options for non-surgical treatments may be offered. It could be a recommendation of a lifestyle adjustment such as weight loss to remove excess pressure on the hip area, physiotherapy or incorporating a low impact exercise such as swimming into your daily routine.


Don’t put off a visit to the Adelaide Hip Centre.

Arrange a consultation with one of our hip specialists if you are living with regular hip pain and common symptoms associated with osteoarthritis.

Don’t persevere with symptoms that cause pain in and around the hip area when there could be treatments that will help you resume your regular activities. If you are experiencing discomfort, contact your local GP and seek a referral to the Adelaide Hip Centre.

We will run a number of tests, which may include the assessment of your range of motion and muscle strength as well as an x-ray or MRI to determine the degree of dysplasia, and any associated cartilage damage.

Contact us for any enquiries relating to acetabular dysplasia.