What is a Trochanteric Bursitis?

Whether it is a repetitive strain, trauma or weak stability resulting in abnormal walking patterns, it can cause significant inflammation and be very painful. It is important to note that this condition involves inflammation of the bursa and is not actually as a result of damage to the hip joint itself.

Symptoms of trochanteric bursitis

Impacting activities including standing, walking and even crossing your legs, patients experience tenderness or stiffness predominately in the hip area, however, discomfort can extend down the outside of the leg. Such pain can worsen at night making it very difficult to sleep.

At the first sign of symptoms, a medical consultation is highly recommended to rule out any number of other conditions that may or may not be present. These can include underlying degenerative arthritis or even a fracture to the hip that may require more invasive treatments.

Trochanteric bursitis treatments

In addition to resting the hip joint and avoiding activities that aggravate the symptoms, a medical professional may recommend a number of pain relief options including ice packs and or anti-inflammatory medications.

Depending on the severity of your presenting symptoms and condition, massage may be recommended or a range of exercises designed to strengthen the muscles around the hip to offer greater stability. In more severe cases, cortisone injections may be necessary to assist with management of the inflammation and only where absolutely necessary would surgery become recommended.


Don’t put off a visit to the Adelaide Hip Centre.

Arrange a consultation if you are living with regular hip pain and common symptoms associated with osteoarthritis.

If you are experiencing pain and/or swelling around the hip area or referred pain that is felt on the outside of your thigh towards your knee, consider contacting your doctor and request a referral to Adelaide Hip Centre.

A consultation with a professional can help diagnose your condition and after consideration of your medical history and a physical examination, the most appropriate treatment options can be discussed.

Contact us for any enquiries relating to trochanteric bursitis.